You will have read this review correctly if upon completion you conclude the contents have profoundly shaped my life. Under a merciful providence, the contents of this book saved me from spiritual suicide in 2004. Let's go there for a moment.
I lived in
I was anxious to meet Charles Leiter, as I knew Charles had a significant and on-going influence on Paul Washer. Imagine my delight when Charles came to teach a Bible conference in the spring of 2004. He received the unfortunate job of sharing a van seat with me on a several-hour trip to northeast
The contents of this discussion became a book earlier this year. To this subject we now turn. The following are the chapter headings of Justification & Regeneration:
Foreword by Paul Washer
Chapter 1 - Sin: Man's Ultimate Problem
Chapter 2 - Can a Man Be Right Before God
Chapter 3 - Justification: Its Characteristics
Chapter 4 - Regeneration: All Things New
Chapter 5 - A New Creation
Chapter 6 - A New Man
Chapter 7 - A New Heart
Chapter 8 - A New Birth
Chapter 9 - A New Nature
Chapter 10 - Crucifixion & Resurrection
Chapter 11 - A Change of Realms: Flesh to Spirit
Chapter 12 - A Change of Realms: Earth to Heaven
Chapter 13 - A Change of Realms: Sin to Righteousness
Chapter 14 - A Change of Realms: Law to Grace
Chapter 15 - A Change of Realms: Adam to Christ
A - Regeneration: A Summary
B - "Cannot Sin"
C - Romans 7
D - All Blessings in Christ
Was another book on these topics really necessary? Endless volumes have already been printed on each of these subjects. After reading the work a couple of times, I will argue yes, there is a necessary place for this book. J&R retains a refreshing combination of biblical faithfulness, intellectual rigor, and a pastoral emphasis – all in readable language.
Biblical. The book is painstakingly biblical. In the footnotes alone J&R contains 300+ verse references which serve the purpose of validating conclusions and aiding further study. The work is basically a road map through the Bible. In this respect, the appendices alone are worth the price of the book. One appendix is a summary of regeneration which consists entirely of categorized verse references. Scriptural references pertaining to the blessings of union with Christ are also listed and categorized.
Simple. The language is accessible. Paul Washer writes in the foreword, “There seems to be a great abyss separating the biblical theologian and the Christian in the pew. While the theologian is able to climb the Everest of God’s truth and be transformed by the vision, he often communicates the vision in a language that is beyond us…Pastor Charles Leiter has done a great service to the Church in that he has taken two of the greatest doctrines of Scripture…and explained them in simple language without loss of content.” I agree. I feel comfortable handing this book to seasoned theologians. I would feel the same comfort in handing this to a new Christian. Charles has a profound gift.
Logical. Just read the chapter titles! Charles builds a coherent system of scriptural doctrine. Beginning with the radical depravity of man, he moves toward the cross, which serves as both a launching pad and the centerpiece of justification and regeneration. His logic is rigorous, which makes the book intellectually satisfying. Any critics have their work cut out for them.
Pastoral. Charles writes with a pastoral emphasis. I would have no hesitation handing this book to a scholarly theologian (and I have!). Nevertheless, the clear and constant goal throughout J&R is to promote glorying in Christ Jesus among the saints. He writes, “This book attempts to set forth in clear Biblical light the nature and characteristics of justification and regeneration that God may be glorified and His children brought to know more fully the liberty that is theirs in Christ.” I believe he succeeded. The book remains radically opposed to the destructive doctrine of perfectionism. Yet neither is the believer left to a hopeless fight with sin. The power of Christ in the believer is set forth in such compelling light that the reader is infused with solid, Scriptural hope for victory even over the most besetting sin.
And one of my favorite aspects of the book - all proceeds from the book go to HeartCry Missionary Society. Not all men are in the position to do this. However, this has made my buying and distributing copies even more satisfying.
I have enjoyed this book thoroughly. I highly recommend the work.
The book may be purchased through HeartCry by following this link. The price, including shipping, is $9.
Title: Justification and Regeneration
Author: Charles Leiter
Pages: 164
Publication Year: 2007