Thoughts on the Way Home

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Kirk Wellum on Matthew 5:17-20

In his inaugural lecture at Toronto Baptist Seminary, Kirk Wellum gave one of the finest treatments of Matt. 5:17-20 that I have ever read. As many of you are probably aware, this passage has massive implications when it comes to understanding the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, the relationship of the Christian to the law, etc. Wellum explains:
Matthew 5:17-20 is a crucial NT passage that has much to say to a number of issues in our day. That is why when I was asked to give an inaugural lecture at TBS I chose to speak about "The Hermeneutical Implications of Fulfillment in Matthew 5:17-20."

It is my personal opinion that many of the issues that divide evangelical Christians have to do with understanding the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Over the years theological structures have been developed and confessional positions taken that have not always been sensitive to the Bible's own internal organization. The more we understand how God has revealed himself in his word, the more accurately we will be able to teach and apply that word to real life situations.

Study after study of the state of the evangelical church shows that people know less and less about their Bibles. Although many still confess the authority of the Bible, fewer believe the doctrines it teaches. If this situation is to be remedied, we must return to the Bible with a willingness to hear all that it has to say to us. And if we are to do that, we must see Jesus as the one who holds the whole thing together. This is what I have tried to establish from Matthew 5:17-20. Much more could be said, but this is at least a starting point that gets us going in the right direction.
The short of it is, READ THIS ARTICLE! I have no doubt that it will be of tremendous help to you regarding the issues it addresses.

HT: The Road to Emmaus