Thoughts on the Way Home

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

MUST HEAR - What Is the Glory of God?


If I asked you to define the glory of God, how would you do it? We are constantly hearing folks talk ABOUT the glory of God, and we're exhorted to do everything FOR the glory of God; but what IS the glory of God? The most helpful definition I've ever heard comes from Ryan Fullerton, who is a pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. So set aside ten minutes of your time, and listen to this sermon clip. I promise, this WILL help you!

See, I told you it would help! Now, do yourself a favor. If you live anywhere near Louisville, or ever find yourself near Louisville, stop in at Immanuel. Talk to as many people as you can, and spend as much time with Ryan as you can. This is a special place where God is doing a special work. May He continue to bless the work of His hands!

More of Ryan's messages can be found HERE. The sermon that the above excerpt was taken from is HERE.
