Thoughts on the Way Home

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Marriage or Singleness? - Mack Tomlinson


God's Will: Marriage or Singleness?

A Question From a Believer

"If marriage is the foundation of family, which is the foundation of church, society, etc., and God uses the family as a picture of the church's relationship to His Son, then why does Paul say to the Corinthian church it is better not to be married? Is it God's desire for us to be married and have families or not? if so, then why Paul's instruction to the widows and unmarried?"

"It doesn't seem as though Paul is saying "God may not want some of you to be married" or "God wants some of you to be married". Instead it seems that he says "it's better to be single" and only to be married *if* you can't handle otherwise, or if you are already marry; to me, that seems as if he's going against "it's not good for man to be alone" and other verses like this. Is it possible this was special instruction for this church or something?"

My Reply

A short answer is that God's will about marriage is not the same for all believers; it is His will for some to be married, probably most, and it is His will for some to remain single; both conditions are a calling and each person has to see God's will for them; this is the very reason why it can be confusing, because God can have one to be single and another to be married. A person can desire marriage very much, and yet it is God's will for them to be single; in other situations, a single person feels contented and happy being single and suddenly-- boom!-- God brings a marriage partner out of nowhere! The bigger issues are-- contentment in Christ and submission to His will.

Paul's teaching to the Corinthians first has primary application to the particular context of what was occurring at Corinth; he is giving principles that will apply in different situations; so he says that it is better for some to remain single and then it is allowable and better for others to marry.

The bottom line is for every unmarried believer to say with contentedness and conviction- "Lord, You have a perfect will for me; I am not anyone else; I am the person You made me to be; if Your purpose for me is singleness, let me see that as a high calling and as not less than marriage; if so, confirm that and make me contented & joyful in it and let me have undivided devotion to You. And if Your will for me is marriage, then bring me to that person in Your time and way and let Your will be done; until then, let me seek Your kingdom and see You work divine purposes-- after all, its about You and not about me ultimately."

God will always perfectly bring about His will in the lives of those who trust Him genuinely; It cannot fail, whether that is a fruitful life of singleness for His glory or a fruitful life of marriage for His glory. Either way, the true Christian cannot lose.

Prov. 3:5-6

-- Mack Tomlinson
