Thoughts on the Way Home

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Loving God More - Michele Rayburn


Courtesy of Michele Rayburn at Grace for Life:

In his book, The Attributes of God, in the chapter on The Love of God, A.W. Pink expresses his concern about the "low state of spirituality among professing Christians", and that there is so little real love for God. He says that if we realize how much God loves His people then "the more will our hearts be drawn out in love to Him."

This is good to point out, because we want to be like Him, be imitators of Him. And our love for others is an outward expression of our inward love for the Lord, and it’s what we are called to do.

But I think that the problem of the low state of spirituality is more than just not being "acquainted with His love" for His people, but that we are not better acquainted with Jesus Christ. If we want to love God more, it begins with knowing Jesus intimately. "In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily..." (Col. 2:9).

Our hearts need to be occupied with Jesus Christ Himself. Our thoughts need to be directed to Him continually. If we would develop our relationship with our Lord, not only would we love Him more, but we would find in Him, and through our relationship with Him, a greater capacity to love others. If we abide in Christ, we will be filled with the Spirit, and when we are filled with the Spirit, we will have the fruit of the Spirit, the first of which is love.

God’s love is uninfluenced by anything that is in us, and God’s love is eternal and everlasting. To be loved not because of who we are, but simply because we are His is so important for Christians to know and rejoice in. And that is what sets us free to love God more and to love others more.

Pink sums it up by saying: "...let no Christian call into question God’s love when he is brought under painful afflictions and trials. God did not enrich Christ on earth with temporal prosperity..." But He did give Him the Spirit "without measure" (John 3:34).

It makes me think of the Scriptures that say "the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21), and "seek those things which are above" (Col 3:1). And Romans 8:5-6, which says, "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."

We just need to be more spiritually minded in order to be of any earthly good!

-Michele Rayburn at Grace for Life
