Thoughts on the Way Home

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Everyday Life

"I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10)

Beloved, if you have trusted Christ then you are a "they". This verse is not only for ministers and missionaries. This verse is for the mother at home whose labors go largely unnoticed. She is a "they". This verse is for the man who works all day against the backdrop of monotonous repetition. He is a "they". Are you a student who has believed on Christ? You are a "they". Those whose lives are common have an uncommon opportunity to manifest the life of Christ. The minister on the front lines is expected to always be full of zeal and joy, and what a blessing they are! The help I get from these laborers could never be calculated. However, it could be that the mother who is able to sanctify the mundane with a holy joy and a fragrance of Christ soars to even greater heights which only her Lord sees. Only the Day will declare it. In the meantime, wherever we find ourselves today, the priority must be cultivating the manifestation of the life and love of Christ to those around us. The world must see in us a life so real and present that it operates wholly apart from every circumstance.